Category: Uncategorized
A Holiday Tradition for 43 Years!
From Darleen Melis, FSNA resident and Chair of Salem’s Tree Commission: in times of extreme heat don’t forget to water your trees. On such hot days they should receive 5 gallons of water to keep them in good shape!
Jerry’s Department Store Proposal – Join the Conversation!

Lush Garden Honors FSNA Neighbors & Family
Have you noticed the Federal Street Neighborhood Association (FSNA) garden at the corner of Federal and North Streets? Thanks to our Garden Committee for their hard work in tending a beautiful garden.
What you may not be aware of is that the following neighbors have been remembered at the FSNA garden by the planting of perennials. Each year as these perennials bloom they will elicit the wonderful memories that we have of these special Federal Street neighborhood family members, friends and neighbors.
- Marie Campbell
- Jim Gwin
- Alma McAllister
- Arlene O’Shea
- Joyce Wallace
- Phil Yates

The FSNA Garden Committee would like to thank Murray Masonry & More for the cobbles that they kindly donated and fabulously installed(!) in our neighborhood garden. Thank you, Brendan and Jake!
We also would like to thank Jackson Automotive for donating the sculptural rocks that we hope will keep the snow plows from decimating the garden every winter. Thank you, Ziad!
Shout out to Paul Bunker and Chris Sallah for helping to move the rocks to the garden.
Hearing for Crescent Lot Development Scheduled
Application of: Winn Development
On the property at: 252 Bridge St Salem, MA
Concerning: Final Design Review: The Exchange Salem – Part 1: Redevelopment of 252 Bridge Street, the ‘Crescent Lot’. The review will focus on the design of the proposed construction of a six-story mixed use building with approximately 7325 square feet of commercial space, up to 120 residential units that will be offered at varying levels of affordability, creation of public spaces, and site improvements. The redevelopment of this property is part one of the two-part project that includes the restoration and reuse of the historic court buildings at 32-34 Federal Street.
Date of Meeting: June 8 2022
Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M.
Location of Meeting: Via remote participation*
Application documents are available on the Salem Redevelopment Authority website at
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to offer a comment on an application, please submit written comments to the Salem Redevelopment Authority, via email at by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.
For questions about the meeting, please contact Kate Newhall-Smith, Principal Planner and Staff to the Redevelopment Authority at
* Remote participation will be conducted via the Zoom platform. Access instructions will be included on the meeting agenda, which is posted to the City Calendar and the Salem Redevelopment page on one week before the meeting date.
Salem Open Space and Recreation Advisory Group
The City of Salem is seeking applicants to the advisory group for its forthcoming Open Space & Recreation (OSRP) planning process to begin in late-spring / early-summer 2022 and conclude in early 2023. The Open Space & Recreation Plan process will build upon recent City of Salem planning initiatives.
The OSRP community planning process is a way for the City and community members to identify community needs and desires on a variety of open space and recreation topics. Completing an OSRP plan approved by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation Services can also qualify communities for potential state grants for physical investments and improvements into parks.
The City has hired the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to lead the OSRP process. The process will include informational presentations and community input exercises in order to elicit and quantify community input, discern consensus goals, and make recommendations to the Salem community based both on community input as well as professional community planning best practices and analyses.
The commitment is for:
- attending and participating in
- group meetings throughout 2022 and early 2023 every other month or so (the dates and times are to be determined together via email communications);
- public workshops (that may potentially be a combination of either physical or virtual meetings);
- providing feedback about the process and public forums, as well as on helping draft potential online survey questions for the community-at-large to take;
- getting the word out about the Salem OSRP 2029 process, public workshops and the online surveys;
- providing ideas and feedback for potential presentation content, preliminary goals, draft survey questions, and draft plan report in early/mid 2023.
- attending and participating in
Please email your nominations to and include the following information:
- Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominee.
- A brief explanation of how the nominee engages or wishes to engage in Salem’s Park & Recreation facilities or programming.
- A concise summary of the nominee’s interest in serving on the advisory group.
- Any further information that may support the City in its selection of advisory group members.
Spring Fling = Success!
More than 50 Federal Street Neighborhood residents and friends gathered on Sunday, May 15 for a Spring Fling. The Fling had something for guests of all ages: sidewalk drawings, food, beverages, prizes and good company!
Thanks to Suzie Weldon and Tom Frary who rolled out the sidewalk and street at their house for the event.
Special thanks to Lori Hart prepared a presentation about the city’s traffic calming plans for our neighborhood. Lori shared the city’s plans and the FSNA Traffic Calming Committee’s suggestions for improvement. They are all located on this website. If you have not done so, please review the plans, the FSNA response and complete the short survey. It is important that the city receives proper feedback so that our neighborhood has the best traffic calming solution!
A big shout out to Jenn Lucht brought us wonderful entertainment: Joe Barbato on keyboard, Mark Early on Sax and Gray Sargent on Guitar. Of note is that Gray used to play in Tony Bennett’s band! We were honored to have them all and encourage friends catch additional performances at the Backbeat Brewing Company in Beverley and the Mayflower Restaurant in Ipswich.
Also of note are the event’s sponsors who allowed us to have a drawing for some great prizes!
All of our young sidewalk artists received a Russ Treadwell’s Ice Cream coupon.
32 Church – 32 Church Street, Salem, A collaborative studio retail experience full of flowers, fine jewelry and gifts!
Cookie Monstah – 505 Paradise Road, Swampscott, Fresh baked cookies and ice cream since 2012
Judith Kohn, RLA – 145 Federal Street, Salem,Landscape architecture and design consultations
Salem Wine Imports – 32 Church Street, Salem, Dedicated to the discovery and enjoyment of unique wines!
Settler Restaurant – 2 Lynde Street, Salem, A cozy but chic neighborhood restaurant featuring rustic, handmade French cooking
Gift certificates from Russ Treadwell’s Ice Cream in Peabody made sure that all of our little chalk artists got a reward for their creations!
If you have paid your membership dues, THANK YOU! If you have not you may still do so by completing the following form and sending it along with your check to our treasurer, Paul Bunker. With your support we will continue our work to make the Federal Street Neighborhood the best in Salem and offer fun social events!
MEMBERSHIP REQUEST – Use this form to become a member or renew your membership.
Membership provides you with voting rights and representation on issues that affect our neighborhood.
Please return this form with a check payable to “FSNA” to Paul Bunker, 20 Beckford St.
□ ADDITIONAL DONATION to the general fund ___________.
One of many active Salem neighborhood associations, the Federal Street Neighborhood Association (FSNA) dedicates itself to neighborhood preservation and enhancement, and community building.
FSNA is a 501c3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.